Gourmet Tea & Coffee Drink Recipes : How to Make a Layered Mocha Latte

Gourmet Tea & Coffee Drink Recipes : How to Make a Layered Mocha Latte

For those who are big fans of creamy coffee drinks, a layered mocha latte is definitely a heavenly treat for a chill night or a relaxing afternoon. The chocolaty sweetness topped off with the subtle creaminess of milk offsets the bitter espresso. Thrown in an alcoholic surprise, and have your layered mocha latte treat on your porch. Rest assured that the stress of the day will melt away.

Watch this video and learn from our expert how to whip up your own layered mocha latte from this free drink recipe video.

or lovers of creamy coffee drinks, a layered mocha latte is a wonderful treat for a relaxing evening. The sweetness of the chocolate topped off with the creamy milk offsets the bitter espresso. Add an alcoholic surprise, take your layered mocha latte on the porch and watch the stress of the day melt away.