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What is it about the more expensive coffee makers that make your coffee taste better?

Question by The victorious reign: What is it about the more expensive coffee makers that make your coffee taste better?
i noticed a big difference when i upgraded my coffee maker to a more expensive one. I was wondering other then the price whats the difference that makes the coffee taste. like how it brews or something mechanical in the machine.
yeah thats how i do it to.

Best answer:

Answer by ♥ Uwish ♥
I think it has to do with how it brews the coffee.

I have a middle grad coffee maker and ther is an “Aroma” button on it. I always use this option, it takes a little longer to brew but it extracts more flavor from the grounds making the coffee more stronger and tastier

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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Posted by Coffee Guy - February 8, 2013 at 1:08 pm

Categories: Coffee Questions   Tags: , , , , , , ,

How do I go about selling my gourmet coffee?

Question by mexican mamacita: How do I go about selling my gourmet coffee?
I have exclusive rights to a new import of premium Costa Rican coffee. The coffee is great, but how do I go about getting others to realize it and purchase it?

Best answer:

Answer by rhambass
Look for a local farmer’s market to sell your goods at. My wife is really good friends with a local coffee roaster that moves a lot of pounds of coffee per week, and she does it all through two farmer’s markets, loyal buyers and one storefront(that specializes in local products).
Farmer’s market, local goods store. Those are your two best options to start with. You could also set up a home-delivery service if you are so inclined, so as to make it easier for people in your area to obtain the coffee when they need it.

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Posted by Coffee Guy - September 7, 2011 at 11:53 am

Categories: Coffee Questions   Tags: , , ,

The Best Coffee Maker Will Get You The Best Coffee Experience – Think Again – It’s All About Beans

Article by Magdalena Witkowska

Technology is always getting better and better. We have got computers, airplanes, satellite TV, toasters, microwaves, and the most essential of all home appliances – the coffee maker. If you are a coffee drinker, then you have probably made sure that you get the best coffee maker to fulfill your java requirements.

The thing is, even when people have got the best coffee maker that is available on the market, even when that coffee maker has a digital meter to tell them the temperature, the water level, the coffee weight; even if it has a timer to make the coffee with a precision that goes down to the microsecond level… even after all this, sometimes people don’t feel like their best coffee maker is really, honestly, giving them its best efforts. The coffee still does not taste good.

Well, it is really quite simple. Your best coffee maker is just a machine and it is not sold with coffee included. You have to supply the coffee and the best coffee that you are going to taste out of your best coffee maker is not going to be determined by the coffee maker but by you. Good beans, good coffee. Bad coffee beans and even a coffee maker that is a few technological notches above the best coffee maker will leave you dissatisfied.

Ever wonder why hand made coffee tastes good? Because people who care enough about their taste buds to manually make their coffee, are the very kind of people who would travel an extra few blocks to get those specific types of coffee beans that are better than the rest. That is your clue. Good coffee comes from good coffee beans and the means used for preparing it, are a secondary concern.

And what about water? Did you know that the colorless liquid that everyone takes for granted plays a vital role in the coffee that is brewed? It is important to check the quality of water. While water is normally tasteless and minor variations go unnoticed, it should be remembered that water combines with coffee beans when it is steamed and then the high temperature can release chemicals in the water that can bring about a reduction in flavor.Choosing the right coffee beans becomes rather confusing. There are beans that are just not meant for the best coffee maker. These beans are used in coffee makers that are kept in public places or which have to endure a lot more traffic than the average family of four. Dried beans are especially very bad as they leave a bad bitter taste.

So in order to enjoy the best cup of coffee, make sure you are picking up the right kind of coffee beans.

Would you like to learn more about Best Coffee Maker, other coffee products and coffee related items? You can find it all at Magdalena’s website:

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Posted by Coffee Guy - September 2, 2011 at 9:25 am

Categories: Coffee Articles   Tags: , , , , , , , ,