Posts tagged "coffee brewing"

Brewing Gourmet Coffee In The Comfort Of Your Own Home

Gone are the days when instant or regular coffee is the first option of coffee drinkers. Many people nowadays just aren’t satisfied with the taste of the ordinary any longer. It may have served very well before, but coffee lovers are always on a hunt for an upgrade.

Gourmet coffee is a darling to many coffee lovers because of the rich and smooth coffee experience it gives that makes them feel they are getting the true benefits of coffee.

To enjoy your gourmet coffee at home, the steps you need to take are basically similar to brewing regular coffee. The main difference is the coffee beans used. Gourmet coffee beans come from highly regarded suppliers.

When you know that your supplier is a reputable one, you’re confident you will be given quality beans. You would also know it’s gourmet when you base on the price as they tend to be pricier compared to the regular ones. They are usually sold as whole beans and vacuum-sealed.

After availing of your gourmet coffee beans, you can now proceed to grinding them. Use only as much as you need, you don’t want to waste these precious beans. You will have to store them in airtight containers though to preserve the freshness.

Take note that your coffee making equipment should be kept clean at all times especially when you’re the type who can’t last a day without brewing coffee. Additionally, never reuse coffee grinds and filters since they can affect the taste of your next cup of Joe. Make sure that you rinse your paper filter thoroughly before using it since the small fibers in it can give the coffee an unpleasant taste.

These are just some of the tips in brewing a cup of gourmet coffee in the comfort of your own home. Try to see some of the articles previously posted if you ever want to meticulously learn how to brew coffee at home step-by-step.

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Posted by Olga Hartman - January 10, 2014 at 12:13 pm

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How to Brew Coffee with the French Press

One substitute of coffee brewing is French Press. Coffee lovers who have tried are raving about it. But if you don’t have any idea about it, for starters, French Press is a large cylindrical pot that has a press in the top portion of it. You fill it with hot water and ground coffee beans then you push down the press to separate the coffee grounds from the water to take out the final brew.

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Posted by Olga Hartman - December 11, 2013 at 4:33 pm

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How To Buy Coffee Beans

Brewing and enjoying your coffee at home are some of things coffee lovers find comfort in. Nevertheless, if you want to make your home coffee brewing experience worth everyone’s while, you have to see to it that you are buying the best coffee available in the market. It all depends on your own personal preference. Take a hint from people who have experienced the coffee beans you have been eyeing.

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Posted by Olga Hartman - December 3, 2013 at 2:09 pm

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Brewing Coffee With French Press

One substitute of coffee brewing is French Press. Coffee lovers who have tried are raving about it. But if you don’t have any idea about it, for starters, French Press is a large cylindrical pot that has a press in the top portion of it. You fill it with hot water and ground coffee beans then you push down the press to separate the coffee grounds from the water to take out the final brew.

It may initially be intimidating, but truth be told, it is very convenient to use and has uncomplicated maintenance. Another good thing about it that people are raving about is the fact that it’s environment-friendly since you don’t use paper filters which you usually throw away every time.

You can grind fresh beans with the grinder you already have at home, and then you can put in the ground coffee beans in the bottom of your French Press. From that point, you can pour hot water into the French Press. You should have it sit for around 4 minutes for an average-sized French Press, after so, you push down the press filter directly. Keep in mind to push the press straight down with moving it to the side. Otherwise, you will be releasing the grinds as you plunge.

After doing it all successfully, you can now have the final brew which you can pour into your coffee mug. And because the essential oils of coffee are not filtered out in the process, the brew comes out rich and very flavorful. These oils give coffee the robustness and depth that coffee lovers are rooting for. Other conventional coffee machines filter these oils out through the paper, decreasing the richness and depth to the coffee flavor.

Another thing that makes a French Press stand out among other coffee machines is the control you have over the brewing process. It’s up to you what temperature you use for your water, but make sure that you don’t use boiling water as it can burn the coffee grounds. Also, you have the control over the span of time it steeps in extracting the taste.

These are just some of the many reasons to love French Press. Try it for taste, so you don’t miss out on all the coffee goodness.

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Posted by Olga Hartman - August 8, 2013 at 2:41 pm

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